Sometimes a breakthrough looks like a breakdown, part 1: “when I finally get my shit together enough”

I have written in fits and starts for years, never reaching the polish of certain aspirational fashion, yoga, foodie type blogs. I wasn’t seeing my kind of pathos in blog content, so I figured there must not be a market for someone who was living a life that’s more of a warning than an aspiration. Finally, though, I was exercising and meditating daily, affording decent food, and the fog of trauma and anxiety were starting to clear. I felt like I had something to offer, at last. “Just write, just write every day, just do it.” went the pithy catch-line of a speaker at a bloggers’ workshop I’d attended years before. But these people’s lives, clothes, occupations… they looked nothing like mine. They’d successfully ascended into the Creative Class – in some cases, they inherited it from parents and grandparents who’d already been there. How to find the energy and time to write when you weren’t even getting enough sleep in the hustle to kind of survive? The reason, after all, there are ...