It physically hurts to be mentally ill. Here's how I'm dealing (or not, some days.)

"Depression" by AnnDeeF (Content note: If you have struggled with child-loss or difficulty conceiving when you want to, this is probably not a good post for you to read. Particularly if you don't want to read about someone "throwing away" something you dearly want. It's not everyone's path. I'm sincerely, terribly sorry for your troubles, and I hope you find peace. Do not read this if someone being childfree-by-choice is something it hurts to read about.) Narrator voice: Her energy levels did not stay at a good level. It's been a while. I'm sorry. I've been maintaining, working some things around, re-organizing, and getting necessary care. Very importantly, I'm getting my tubes tied on November 29 - less than two weeks! I've known since I was twelve years old that I don't want to have any children of my own. For a long time, I didn't even like children - not even when I was a child. (Tweener. Whatever.) I was ...