Looking Forward - A gratitude list, and powerful I AM statements for 2019

I look back on this year with so much happiness and gratitude. It's been a year of being brave enough for new beginnings, the starts of real healing , laughing 'til I can't breathe, and setting up the way for success and adventure in coming years. Every day, I wake up next to the love of my life and get ready to go work with people I like, at a job that lets me use some creativity in updating the company social media and website, and sets my resume up for advancement. My muse has slowly been returning, and it feels so good to create again, both on and off the clock. I'm able to dream big, and plan for 2019 projects that I can't wait to share with you! There's restlessness, growing pains, and a lot of traumas and negative mindset-habits to keep outgrowing. Plenty remains to put into tonight's ceremony of symbolically burning away what doesn't serve me. Even that, though, I will frame in gratitude. I'm grateful for: all the friends I've...