
Showing posts from June, 2018

BRB, screaming forever

It's... been an interesting couple of weeks. There's truly nothing like the stunning banality of slipping into fascism in the modern United States to bring on a mental-health backslide. As I type and file and have an after-work cup of tea with David, the hub of gleeful cruelty that is the Administration builds concentration camps for tens of thousands of refugees who they call criminals. Some survivors of Japanese-American internment camps still live, and now they have to watch us do it all again - but this time, the kids don't even have their parents. As we ponder high school options for Bonus Kid, Justice Kennedy announces his retirement, thus solidifying the impossibility of a return to sanity within our lifetime - and a hell of an uphill fight to get it back within Bonus Kid's lifetime. My last hope was that this flimsy bulwark against fully unchecked, ravaging, gleeful governmental cruelty would, at least, hold long enough for us to regain the US House of R...

Consistency pays off: an update on my fitness and my online clutter

Content note: Weight talk! If this may be triggering, take whatever actions necessary to protect yourself. Hi loves! I missed posting Friday, because things hit the fan a bit on Thursday and Friday last week at work, so I was too tired after work and the gym to finish and schedule. C'est la vie sometimes. And then, we were off to archery nationals for the Bonus Kid, and I did not bring my laptop on the trip. So much the better for focusing on my family rather than on online distractions. Some things are more important than keeping up this one goal of blogging regularly. I'm a bit put-out to report that I'm somewhat stalled on the online decluttering, but the main reason isn't terrible. I've spent less time online in general! However, I do need to be more efficient with my time. I still spend too much of it checking up on friends via Facebook. If I cut down my follows, I would have more quality time with the people I miss, and less time scrolling through clutter....

A truth: I am a queer person.

I'm 33 years old. (33 and a half! my inner child squeals indignantly.) We hear a lot of coming-out stories in this day and age. I actually haven't heard many like mine, though. I'm so thankful for the hard-won rights of the gay community to be out and proud. Bi-erasure, though, is still a major problem. Not that bi really fits me. I'm still figuring that out. It's the widely-known term that comes closest, though, and starting there is OK. Especially since it's uniquely shat on by both the gay/lesbian side, and the hetero side as "confused" or "faking for attention" and so on, and so on. I didn't "know" when I was a child, like many people can say. There may have been some little indicators that, in a less heteronormative society, we would have picked up on. I did really like Xena, Warrior Princess. But... nah, kid-me chased boys on the playground, period. I've had many a painful dismissal from loved ones - friends, my ...

Happy Pride Month 2018!

Cologne, Germany 2015.  Photo by CEphoto, Uwe Aranas It's that time of year. Happy Pride, everyone! One would be remiss to not send great thanks to the radicals who started it all . I'm greatly amused by reporters last year who talked about Pride festivals and celebrations taking on a "new tone" in protest demonstrations last year . People do, after all, hearken back to the Stonewall Riots as the first Pride. So, then, should it return to protest. Indeed, it probably never should have stopped. We are still far from equal, no matter how many distilleries and banks sign on as corporate sponsors. Revel in every joy that's been earned in the blood, sweat, and tears of queer activism. Let it be a defiant joy. A happy Pride, indeed. Champaign-Urbana's annual Pride celebration is not until September . I probably won't swing by Indy Pride this coming weekend, because there are definitely still a lot of quibbles to be had about corporate pandering and lack o...

Friday Lights: Maybe your self-talk needs to be a little kinder

#depression #recovery #reminder #encouragement #moth #rainbow A post shared by @ thelatestkate on Apr 28, 2018 at 9:24am PDT What a strange short week. Usually, you expect a work-week that's one day shorter to be a little easier. Not so! I was already tired from visiting family for Memorial Day, then - call it the full moon, call it whatever you want - my energy and anxiety levels were in hyperdrive Tuesday and Wednesday. I started abstaining from any tea that wasn't a decaf herbal after 7:30 a.m., I've been taking CBD and kava extract, and I was keeping up on my exercise schedule that I started about 2 weeks ago. My body hadn't been giving much, if any, indication of overtraining. My fatigue issues were nothing out of the ordinary - in fact, they'd been slightly better because a lot of my anxiety triggers are now permanently in the past. Since I did have some extra steam from anxiety-jitters to run off on Wednesday, I gave myself a little more tim...