Consistency pays off: an update on my fitness and my online clutter

Content note: Weight talk! If this may be triggering, take whatever actions necessary to protect yourself.

Hi loves! I missed posting Friday, because things hit the fan a bit on Thursday and Friday last week at work, so I was too tired after work and the gym to finish and schedule. C'est la vie sometimes. And then, we were off to archery nationals for the Bonus Kid, and I did not bring my laptop on the trip. So much the better for focusing on my family rather than on online distractions. Some things are more important than keeping up this one goal of blogging regularly.

I'm a bit put-out to report that I'm somewhat stalled on the online decluttering, but the main reason isn't terrible. I've spent less time online in general! However, I do need to be more efficient with my time. I still spend too much of it checking up on friends via Facebook. If I cut down my follows, I would have more quality time with the people I miss, and less time scrolling through clutter. I won't complete everything this week, but I want to take two big bites: clean my personal email inbox, and get Facebook under control. As it turns out, writing about it helps me be more accountable.

Consistency is starting to visibly pay off. It has been a while since I gradually started making efforts on my physical fitness, for both appearance and health sake. Last year, I got down from 182 lbs to 152. (I'm only 5'1" - not great! Especially for a former amateur competitive dancer.)

I did gain back up to about 161 after personal issues stretching from the end of 2017 until shortly after I moved to Champaign. Baby steps add up:

  • cutting out soda except for a treat every week or two (again! It's so addictive!)
  • building a habit of going to the gym 3 days a week, then up to 4 and then to 6 days a week
  • lifting weights as heavy as I can 2 to 3 times a week
  • drinking more water
  • completing more than half of the Couch to 5K program, and still going
  • using intuitive eating after calorie counting didn't work. Learning to notice when I'm truly hungry, eat slower, and finish at satiety
  • after-dinner walks with David
  • working more vegetables into dinner
  • nightly gentle stretching sessions

As of today, I'm back down to 155, and slimmer than I was at 152 last year. I may never be able to run a 5k in much less than 30 minutes (and right now 30 minutes is a lofty goal!) but I can hit a pace and keep going, in a meditative state, for a minimum of 15 minutes. Not counting the fact I'm also hoisting my own weight due to how the machine is built, I consistently leg-press 3 sets of 12 reps at 195 lbs. I can't do 100 push-ups or bench press my boyfriend yet, but if I want to, I'm sure I can get there!


  1. For your nightly stretching sessions, I love the Down Dog app. I try to do 30 minutes of their "Restorative Yoga" program most nights. (Although my new meds are wearing off earlier than my old, so I'm having some drop off.)

    Also I'm happy you're meeting the goals you're setting for yourself!

  2. Thank you, Nicole! I appreciate the encouragement. I know about the medication merry-go-round, unfortunately. I hope you keep doing well!


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