Five things I've learned after 2 weeks of Project 333

The Project 333 experiment has been a curiosity to me for years now. It does, periodically, have Moments on both minimalism and fashion blogs -- which are, in fact, my jam. 

The tl;dr version is that Courtney at Be More With Less came up with this challenge, oh, goodness, I don't know how many years ago. You choose 33 items (excluding underwear, exercise clothes and PJ's, and everyday things such as my glasses and my engagement ring) which you will wear for the next 3 months. 33/3, get it? You toss everything else into boxes and get it out of sight. Every shoe, scarf, pair of earrings, all is up for scrutiny to achieve a closet-spot among the 33.

If you have an "I chose poorly" moment where something isn't working and/or you want to switch, you can, because this is not an exercise in suffering. Obviously, you want to limit this by choosing well from the get-go, but this is an experiment. It's not a vow of austerity. In this way, the idea is that you'll reap benefits such as an easier time choosing outfits, better knowledge of which of your clothes work on you, and an understanding that owning so much stuff doesn't really make you happier. Your mileage may vary, and this doesn't necessarily work for everyone. 

The face of a gal whose wardrobe just got beaucoup easier

I pared out my items on Sunday, June 23, and I've been going strong for exactly 2 weeks as of today. Here's what I've learned so far:
  1. I have way too much shit!
    • In fairness, I already knew that, but the point really drives home after trying and failing to stuff everything outside my chosen items into two huge Rubbermaid totes. I even cheated by choosing 35 items instead of 33. I also decided I'd start with only one month and see how it goes. I've only switched out one shirt and one necklace, because I wasn't wearing them.
  2. Laundry is so much easier! 
    • I have done one load of laundry since I started. Everything is fresh and clean today, except for one gray T-shirt I forgot in a gym bag. I have full confidence I won't even need it 'til the next laundry day.
  3. It encourages you to organize the rest of your house too!
    • I've re-organized my entire jewelry box, and started a new Donation Bag of Shame to take up closet floor space until it's been full for a few days weeks months and then hang out in my car for a few weeks before it's dropped off. 
    • I also folded and organized everything in my undie drawer, all my makeup, my scarf collection, my sunglasses collection, and I have big plans for my current helter-skelter storage situation in the basement.
    • I'm also taking extra time now experimenting on evening and weekend primp-routine, so that in the longer haul, I will get these tasks down to a quick, streamlined art form. This... Still has a ways to go. God bless my patient fiance.
  4. Getting dressed in the morning is so quick! And I have yet to repeat an outfit. What even IS this magic?
  5. 33 35 isn't actually enough items for my lifestyle. 
    • I decided last weekend that club clothes don't count, because I needed something appropriate for Spellbound, and none of those 35 items struck the right note. I could have worn something from the 35-item wardrobe, but none of them "sparked joy" when it came down to my preferred party look. I do truly appreciate this whole capsule-wardrobe experiment, but I think in the future I'll up the item count to a solid 40, so I have some higher-drama items built in for clubbing nights. Or any time I just plain feel like it.

The party look. With my friend Devon.
Lilith Fair tee, check.
Torn fishnets, check.
Flannel, check.
Pleather hotpants, check.
Velvet choker, check.
Yep, I'm totally doing all the things my parents wouldn't let me in the 90's.

The experiment has definitely been useful for gaining insights on myself, my lifestyle, and how many clothes and accessories actually are necessary. I have already caught myself getting a little bored, though, so that energy is something I'll be monitoring. 

I look damn good, though. My friend Teri said I remind her of Audrey Hepburn yesterday, so I mean... Hell yes, I'll take that. I've gotten a bit better handle on what my "signature" style might be, and how I want to refine that further. I'm also itching to sort through everything that didn't make the cut, to see which ones will make it into future capsules - and which will go into the Bag of Shame.


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